About Me

I'm a writer and editor adept at storytelling. I can deliver solid science and breathe life into stories about medical research, environmental dilemmas, personal health, biotechnology, technology and finance. I like to go on a “deep dive” for the facts that build science stories with precision and humanity. I can write long, detailed tales with depth and context, or create short high-impact messages. Let's talk!

My work has appeared in the following publications:

  • Bloomberg Businessweek magazine
  • Scope, Stanford School of Medicine blog
  • Bloomberg News
  • Washington Post
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Baltimore Sun
  • Seattle Times 
  • Stanford Magazine

See my resume on LinkedIn.

The image above shows the use of tissue engineering to align human non-embryonic stem cells to strengthen a rat’s heart after heart attack. Engineered muscle cell bands appear green. (Credit: Kareen Coulombe, Brown University)